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Welcome from the Founder, President & General Director

Ευστράτιος Αθανασίου . Efstratios Athanasiou

Mr. Efstratios Athanasiou
Founder, President & General Director of CPRGG
Athens, Greece


We are very happy that you are here. This is an international Group! This is a free, non-profit, effort of young European scientists. The Cancer Prevention Research Group in Greece© (Ελληνική Εταιρεία Έρευνας για την Πρόληψη του Καρκίνου, ΕΕΕΠΚΑ) was founded in February 2021 (Greece, Athens) by Efstratios Athanasiou and was established as a free and internet-based research group, which initially started as informal and independent Group for young scientists & students.
Our Group aims at the scientific understanding, studying and informing the public of the factors, which play an important role in the increasing & reducing of cancer. The main goal of the CPRGGreece is the study of cancer prevention, through a multi-disciplinary prism of multiple scientific fields (health, social, educational and humanitarian sciences) and specializations (clinical medicine, pharmacology, psychology, nutrition and dietetics, sociology, stress science, biology, chemistry, statistics, epidemiology, economics, community health, pedagogics, etc).
The Group focuses on primordial prevention (risk inhibition including theoritical health education, considering a good lifestyle choice for later in life), primary prevention (prevent disease, lifestyle factors and behavior modifications), secondary prevention (early diagnosis & progression preventing by intervention, screening), tertiary prevention (rehabilitation, monitoring & planning for cancer survivorship), quaternary prevention (identify patient at risk of overmedicalization & protect him from new invasion), and quinary prevention (
preventing health-related misinformation & its ill effects on the health of individuals). We also focuse on the study on the basic role of chemoprevention, nutrition, therapeutic exercise, psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology and stress reduction in Cancer Prevention Science and on Cancer Awareness Promotion & Cancer Literacy. Also, we organize and coordinate social actions for the benefit of the population.
The research group works online, shares innovative ideas about cancer prevention, shares results of studies & trials. Projects will be posted every few months.
From its inception, the group had set the principal of financial independence, the non – profit purpose and the free registration and participation of its members. 
This Group is not a healthcare professional, nor does it function as such. The purpose of this Group action is educational and informational. 
From November 2021, Group was establishment as a NGO / Civil non-profit company, by 20 co-partners! After the formal establishment of the Group as an NGO, the objectives will be extended: there will be a goal for simplified science/science communication and for the voluntary support of people and patients!
The wide membership of the team allows its members to collect information about cancer prevention practices from many regions of the world and examine how these can be adapted at the national and local level. Similarly, advocacy actions can be simultaneously conducted across the EU member states and the eastern and Mediterranean partnership countries. The Group welcomes collaboration with other like-minded initiatives and individuals, embracing the prospect of a synergistic, pan-European endeavor to promote the most valuable commodity…health.

Topics of interest / Fields of study of Group (multidisciplinary approach)
1| Research in Oncology: Pathogenesis, Mechanisms, Therapeutics, Diagnosis
2| Healthy Eating, Daily Eating Habits and Cancer
3| Nutrigenetics, Nutrigenomics, Nutritional Epigenetic Changes and Cancer
4| Chemoprevention, Food Supplements, Other Medicines and Cancer
5| Therapeutic Exercise, Physical Activity and Cancer
6| Mental Health, Positive Psychology, Stress Reduction & Anxiety Disorders,
Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology (PNEI) and Cancer
7| Health Promotion for Cancer Prevention in Social Media & Community
8| Health Promotion for Cancer Prevention in Education
9| Epidemiology: Statistics, Data Analysis, Research Methodology
10| Educational and Psychological Support for Children, Adolescents and Adults (families with a patient with cancer)
11| Urban and Natural Environment, Pollution, Atmosphere and Cancer

(members from 73 countries)

      #We can reduce the risk of cancer
Efstratios Athanasiou.

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